Solaren News

Security Strategies in Inclement

The Atlantic hurricane season goes from June 1 st to November 30 th and has been
growing more intense each year due to climate change.

Security Strategies in Inclement Weather

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June 16, 2024 | by: Solaren Risk Management

Important Security Strategies in Inclement Weather

The Atlantic hurricane season goes from June 1st to November 30th and has been growing more intense each year due to climate change. How can security navigate severe weather emergencies such as hurricanes and tornadoes at the various locations they secure?

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting a higher-than-normal hurricane season for 2024 which means preparedness is more important than ever. NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center is forecasting 17 to 25 total named storms which are categorized as storms with 39 mile-per-hour wind or more. Approximately 4 to 7 of those are predicted to become major hurricanes with winds 111 miles per hour or higher (NOAA, 2024).

Solaren Vibes at the Roots on the River Festival 3

The most important step for preparing is developing an emergency plan

…with the client based on the geographic location and factors that impact that region. This plan needs to be comprehensive and cover any possible disruptions to the normal routine of employees and patrons. Once you have a plan in place, make sure that patrons and employees have access to emergency routes and access points while running occasional drills to detect any potential weaknesses in the plan.

Solaren Vibes at the Roots on the River Festival 3

If the location is in an area prone to flooding,

…then have a plan to dismiss employees early if possible or have a shelter-in-place location designated. Some businesses will be able to send employees home, but others such as hotels will most likely need employees to simply stay on-site and potentially be assigned a room for the duration of the flooding. It is also important to understand that a series of storms passing does not mean the danger is over as there may be more later in the day or early the next morning that will need to be taken into consideration. Note if there is weather in areas employees live that they will have to navigate.

Solaren Vibes at the Roots on the River Festival 3

Ensure all security and staff have access to frequent weather notifications

…as it can detect storms and severe weather before it becomes visible. If there is a need for sheltering in place, then make sure that you have the appropriate room in the building to meet the occupancy load. There are many different types of weather hazards like lightning which can strike even when it is not raining and wildfires in places that experience extreme dryness.

Severe weather is a major disruptor to business operations and financial performance globally and our goal at Solaren Risk Management is to minimize that impact as much as possible. Severe weather is unavoidable, but the damage can be reduced if your team knows how to respond and does so in a timely manner. We provide national response teams that can be deployed immediately to help assist in operations and securing patrons and locations for the requesting clients. We believe this is an important service to provide on a national scale as different geographic locations experience different weather and we have staff capable of navigating those successfully. Our security guards go through crowd management training as well to ensure they have the necessary knowledge to respond to situations and know what questions to ask the client when preparing an emergency plan.

Solaren Vibes at the Roots on the River Festival 3

Solaren Risk Management

Do you want capable security at your location? Contact us through our service request portal today! Stay up to date on our site to see our weekly stories that highlight current projects and relevant events.

“We are safety aware because we care”

Citations: Nashville Breaking News, Roots on the River Festival, Solaren

“NOAA Predicts Above-Normal 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season.” National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Accessed 15 June 2024

Tags: Security Strategies in Inclement Weather

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Solaren Risk Management is employed by top brands in the industry. These are just a few examples of some of our clients.

Solaren Risk Management was founded in early 2017 by two friends, Jack K. Byrd III and Curtis E. Dodson. We have proudly delivered unarmed and armed security services, off-duty police services, and investigation services for commercial and government clients. Our presence ensures the security of people, properties, and assets. Our Officers share an unwavering commitment to safeguard every post under our watch.

Solaren is a leading provider of Security & Police Personnel in the state of Tennessee & the Southeastern United States.

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(615) 218-2842

1000 Pleasant Grove Pl.
Ste 300
Mt. Juliet, TN 37122