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Solaren Creates Public Service Announcement for PRIDE

Solaren Risk Management was proud to lead the charge and coordinate the production of a Public Service Announcement for Pride Month

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Solaren PR Team | June 13, 2021 | For Immediate Release

Solaren Creates Public Service Announcement for PRIDE

Solaren Risk Management was proud to lead the charge and coordinate the production of a Public Service Announcement for Pride Month. In partnership with the Davidson County General Session Court, Davidson County District, Attorney’s Office, Metro Nashville Police Department, LGBT Chamber, Music City PrEP Clinic, and Nashville Pride Board we were happy to support the production of a PSA offering safety tips regarding the use of geographically driven dating apps.

According to the FBI nearly 1 in 5 hate crimes are motivated by LGBTQ bias, as annual sponsors of PRIDE Nashville and supporters of the LGBTQ community Solaren Risk Management recognizes the need to protect those targeted by hate. Solaren is proud to promote a safe and happy pride by offering safety tips that embody our company motto of being

“Safety Aware, Because We Care.”Happy Pride!

“Safety Aware, Because We Care.”

Solaren Risk Management Partners with the 2023 Pilgrimage Music Festival

Solaren Risk Management staffed over 200 guards and event staff for this event over that two-day period to ensure the safety of festival goers and artists.

Proud Partner & Member of The Nashville Convention & Visitors Corp.

Solaren Risk Management is a Proud Partner & Member of the
Nashville Convention & Visitors Corp.

Solaren Security Officer Credited with Saving Stabbing Victim’s Life

On Monday, August 5th, one of our security officers was credited with saving the life of a man who suffered a stab wound on Broadway.

Solaren Sees Some Changes in Leadership!

Solaren Risk Management has restructured roles resulting in some exciting new promotions and transitions.

ASCAP Country Music Awards

Solaren Risk Management was proud to be selected by The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) to be there vendor in the Nashville Market.

Solaren was Ready to Rock N Roll with St. Jude This Marathon!

Solaren provided comprehensive security and traffic control services for the St. Jude Rock N Roll Marathon throughout downtown Nashville.

Solaren Risk Management Introduces Two Of Its Senior Account Managers: Mark Schmittou & Glenn Van Avery

Solaren Risk Management would like to introduce two of our Senior Account Managers: Mark Schmittou and Glenn Van Avery.

Announcing Hydi Van Avery as a Field Operations Coordinator

Hydi Van Avery was born and raised in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Growing up, she enjoyed playing softball, where she was a stand-out left-handed pitcher.

A Shield for Shelter: Solaren Serves Safe Haven for its 20th Annual Hike

Safe Haven recently hosted its 20th annual hike to support families struggling with homelessness. A Shield for Shelter…

Solaren Risk Management Attends the Annual NGLCC Conference

The International Business & Leadership Conference hosted by the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) is a globally recognized…

Solaren Risk Management is employed by top brands in the industry. These are just a few examples of some of our clients.

Solaren Risk Management was founded in early 2017 by two friends, Jack K. Byrd III and Curtis E. Dodson. We have proudly delivered unarmed and armed security services, off-duty police services, and investigation services for commercial and government clients. Our presence ensures the security of people, properties, and assets. Our Officers share an unwavering commitment to safeguard every post under our watch.

Solaren is a leading provider of Security & Police Personnel in the state of Tennessee & the Southeastern United States.

Contact Us

(615) 218-2842

1000 Pleasant Grove Pl.
Ste 300
Mt. Juliet, TN 37122