Pearls & Pinstripes – TN Coalition
Solaren Risk Management Supports the TN Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence as a Presenting Sponsor for the 2022 Pearls & Pinstripes Gala

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Oct. 16, 2022 | by: Solaren Risk Management
Solaren Risk Management Supports the TN Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence as a Presenting Sponsor for the 2022 Pearls & Pinstripes Gala
Every 1 minute, nearly 20 people are physically abused by an intimate partner in the US
Until domestic and sexual violence is a thing of the past, Solaren Risk Management will support the Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence. On Friday, October 7th, members of the Solaren leadership team attended the 10th annual event held at the Music City Center. The event brings together a diverse sampling of the local community to support a common cause and work towards ending the violence.

The Solaren Team looks forward to next years’ gala and continued support of the hard work of the Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence. – CEO, Jack Byrd III
“We are safety aware because we care”
Solaren Risk Management is employed by top brands in the industry. These are just a few examples of some of our clients.
Solaren Risk Management was founded in early 2017 by two friends, Jack K. Byrd III and Curtis E. Dodson. We have proudly delivered unarmed and armed security services, off-duty police services, and investigation services for commercial and government clients. Our presence ensures the security of people, properties, and assets. Our Officers share an unwavering commitment to safeguard every post under our watch.