Solaren News
Guarding Against Chaos: The Crucial Role of Security Personnel in Disaster Response
Amidst the continuous hurricanes affecting the southeastern United States, security guards offer a range of benefits to their client locations.
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Oct 12, 2024 | by: Solaren Risk Management
Guarding Against Chaos: The Crucial Role of Security Personnel in Disaster Response
Amidst the continuous hurricanes affecting the southeastern United States, security guards offer a range of benefits to their client locations. Security guards are often the true first responders to a disaster, as they are already on-site and prepared to act. They are trained to recognize potential threats and risks through situational awareness and their ability to assess the environment.
As a disaster unfolds, security personnel are the first on the scene,
trained to know where to go and what actions to take in an emergency. No matter which state they are in, security guards undergo mandatory training that covers situational awareness, first aid, defensive tactics, and de-escalation techniques to ensure they are as capable and equipped as possible. For example, in Tennessee, security personnel must complete four hours of general training that includes de-escalation tactics, first aid, the legal aspects of their duties, and defensive tactics for both them and others. They then receive further training in situational awareness and best practices tailored to the specific requirements of the location and client they serve.
Another critical aspect of their training is emergency preparedness.
Some client locations require that we have emergency kits on-site, and each officer is trained to know their locations and how to use them. This training is customized to the region in which we operate, whether it’s a tornado-prone or hurricane-prone area. Crowd management is another key element of their preparation, crucial for maintaining order during the chaos of a crisis, when people inevitably become frantic. Security guards with crowd management training are familiar with the floor plan of the location, the location of exits and safe points, and how to calmly and efficiently guide people to safety.
Ensure all security and staff have access to frequent weather notifications
We want to emphasize the importance of having security at your location because security personnel can act as first responders before official emergency responders arrive. The primary goal of any security division is to maintain peace and order while ensuring the safety of everyone in their care. This, in turn, contributes to the success of the client’s operations.
Solaren Risk Management
If you want this level of protection as we face more frequent natural disasters, visit to contact us! today!
“We are safety aware because we care”
Solaren Risk Management is employed by top brands in the industry. These are just a few examples of some of our clients.
Solaren Risk Management was founded in early 2017 by two friends, Jack K. Byrd III and Curtis E. Dodson. We have proudly delivered unarmed and armed security services, off-duty police services, and investigation services for commercial and government clients. Our presence ensures the security of people, properties, and assets. Our Officers share an unwavering commitment to safeguard every post under our watch.