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The Role of Private Security in Ransomware Prevention

Ransomware Attacks and How Private Security Companies Can Help

The Role of Private Security in Ransomware Prevention

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Jan. 13, 2025 | by: Solaren Risk Management

Ransomware Attacks and How Private Security Companies Can Help

Ransomware attacks are a form of malware that targets user data and devices, seizing them until a ransom is paid. These attacks exploit security vulnerabilities using various tactics, with phishing emails containing malicious links being the most common method. Ransomware attacks often result in financial loss, operational disruptions, and, in some cases, reputational damage. Proactively enhancing cybersecurity and physical security measures is crucial to protecting your business from these threats.

How to Detect and Report Suspicious Behavior A Community Guide 2

What is a Ransomware Attack?

Ransomware typically spreads through malicious links embedded in phishing emails. When an unsuspecting user clicks the link, malicious code is downloaded onto the device. Although the attack may not occur immediately, the malware remains in the system until the attacker decides to activate it. Once initiated, a notification appears on the user’s device, demanding a ransom while locking personal data files. If the ransom is not paid, the files may remain inaccessible, or the attacker could sell the information to bad actors or third parties.

In 2023 alone, there were 1,442 confirmed ransomware attacks in the U.S., with an average ransom demand of $3,777,075, according to Comparitech. These attacks affected an estimated 406,936,382 records over the past few years. Comparitech also highlights the industries most impacted by ransomware, with businesses leading and the education sector following closely.

One notable attack occurred in February 2024, targeting Change Healthcare, with a ransom demand of around $22 million, as reported by TechTarget. The breach affected approximately 100,000,000 individuals, making it one of the largest data breaches in U.S. history. Similarly, Ascension, a healthcare organization operating in 17 states with a network of 33,000 affiliate providers, 118 hospitals, and 34 senior living facilities, also fell victim to ransomware. Even government entities, such as the Cleveland city government, were forced to shut down operations for 11 days due to ransomware. These examples underscore the frequency and severity of ransomware attacks across various sectors.

How to Detect and Report Suspicious Behavior, If You See Something Say Something

The Role of a Private Security Company in Ransomware Prevention

Private security firms are instrumental in addressing ransomware threats, offering experienced technicians and security-minded professionals to help mitigate breaches. In today’s technology-driven environment, private security companies have adapted to provide comprehensive services tailored to their clients’ needs.

These firms often offer training programs and courses for employees, significantly reducing the risk of self-inflicted harm. For example, many ransomware attacks occur when employees unknowingly click on malicious links. Training helps staff recognize and avoid such threats.
Additionally, implementing robust access control systems throughout workplaces ensures that bad actors cannot physically breach your networks. Many private security companies also provide consultations on best practices and response plans tailored to specific industries and locations, further fortifying your business against ransomware attacks.

How to Detect and Report Suspicious Behavior A Community Guide 4

Mitigation During and After a Ransomware Attack

In the event of a ransomware attack, private security companies coordinate with cybersecurity specialists and local law enforcement to track the perpetrator and restore affected systems. Maintaining regular backups of operating systems and files is critical for a quicker recovery process.
Post-attack analyses are equally important. These can include forensic investigations to identify the root cause of the breach and discussions to improve future security measures. By understanding what went wrong, businesses can prevent similar incidents from occurring again.

The Benefits of Partnering with a Private Security Company

Partnering with a private security company ensures access to comprehensive and ongoing support. These firms are dedicated to meeting the unique needs of their clients, whether large or small businesses, to mitigate potential risks and foster success.

As ransomware attacks continue to rise annually, the need for proactive prevention and mitigation becomes more urgent. Some businesses may not recover from such incidents without proper support. By partnering with private security firms specializing in cybersecurity, businesses can protect themselves and avoid significant risks.

For more information about the services we provide please contact us today.

“We are safety aware because we care”

Tags: Cyber Security | Private Security | Ransomware Prevention

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Solaren Risk Management is employed by top brands in the industry. These are just a few examples of some of our clients.

Solaren Risk Management was founded in early 2017 by two friends, Jack K. Byrd III and Curtis E. Dodson. We have proudly delivered unarmed and armed security services, off-duty police services, and investigation services for commercial and government clients. Our presence ensures the security of people, properties, and assets. Our Officers share an unwavering commitment to safeguard every post under our watch.

Solaren is a leading provider of Security & Police Personnel in the state of Tennessee & the Southeastern United States.

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Ste 300
Mt. Juliet, TN 37122