Solaren News
Solaren Guarantees Qualified Flaggers Through ATSSA Training
Saturday, February 17th, Solaren held one of our regular training classes through the American Traffic Safety Services Association.

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Feb. 23, 2024 | by: Solaren Risk Management
Solaren Risk Management Guarantees Qualified Flaggers Through ATSSA Training
Saturday, February 17th, Solaren held one of our regular training classes through the American Traffic Safety Services Association. This course takes around four hours to complete as the instructor goes over all the necessary materials in the workbook followed by a graded exam determining if the flagger is ready to progress. This class was taught by our Traffic Control division coordinator, Brandon Bullock, and there were a combination of current flaggers refreshing their training and new ones looking to get started with their new position with us.
We have been partnering with ATSSA since 2019 to ensure not only the best training for our staff, but also the best quality traffic control services for our clients. As with all our divisions, we prioritize certifications and training so that our clients can rest easy knowing their projects are in capable hands. The class covered material such as necessary equipment, positioning, types of tactics for different roadways, emergency procedures and more. The material is intentionally comprehensive, and the students can take the Flagger Handbook home as a constant reference to have on hand.

Much of the class is spent on two subjects, apparel for the flagger, positioning on the roads and emergency procedures.
The priorities of the class can break down into two concepts: keep the flagger safe while they keep everyone on the road safe. Much of the class is spent on two subjects, apparel for the flagger, positioning on the roads and emergency procedures. These topics ensure that the flagger knows to wear high-visibility clothing that is ANSI 107 Class 2 or Class 3 so that drivers will always be able to see the flagger. It is also heavily emphasized that the flagger remains visible but out of the way of oncoming traffic.
Each area prior to any workspace or objects that may obstruct traffic is sectioned off by approximately six cones over a distance of 50 to 100 feet in which the flagger remains on the shoulder of the road. This maximizes the safety of the flagger should someone enter this taper, and ensures the driver has plenty of time to stop prior to causing any more damage to themselves or others. There are many more elements included in this course such as appropriate signage and signaling, the chain of command for any questions or concerns and company policies specific to Solaren.

We are safety aware because we care, and ATSSA ensures that we can maintain this value in our traffic control division for both our staff and the community.
Our flaggers are some of the hardest workers out there and are always ready for your next big project. Reach out today at today to get started with us! Stay tuned on here as well to keep up to date on what we are doing to make our community safer for everyone.
“We are safety aware because we care”
Solaren Risk Management is employed by top brands in the industry. These are just a few examples of some of our clients.
Solaren Risk Management was founded in early 2017 by two friends, Jack K. Byrd III and Curtis E. Dodson. We have proudly delivered unarmed and armed security services, off-duty police services, and investigation services for commercial and government clients. Our presence ensures the security of people, properties, and assets. Our Officers share an unwavering commitment to safeguard every post under our watch.