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Solaren Helps Monterey, Tennessee Hold Largest Parade In City History

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Solaren PR Team | Dec. 19, 2020 | For Immediate Release
Solaren Helps Monterey, Tennessee Hold Largest Parade In City History
Monterey, Tenn. – With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to put a strain on 2020 as we gravitate into the Christmas season, we were honored to donate our time to help out the city of Monterey as they held their annual Christmas parade at 6:00pm on December 5, 2020. Solaren was happy to offer the help of our staff who each played an effective and critical role in helping to assure the event took place smoothly and safely with zero incidents. We donated 6 company vehicles to help with lane closures, crowd control, getting the parade line in order, and escort floats back to the staging area.
Even though 2020 has been an unpredictable year having many counties and cities around Putnam county cancelling holiday festivities, this event turned out to be that largest parade in history for the city of Monterey. Mayor JJ Reels and Chief of Police Bill Randolph were both extremely gracious for our donation.
We equally thank them for the opportunity to serve the people of Monterey. – CEO, Jack Byrd III
“Safety aware, because we care.”

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Solaren Risk Management was founded in early 2017 by two friends, Jack K. Byrd III and Curtis E. Dodson. We have proudly delivered unarmed and armed security services, off-duty police services, and investigation services for commercial and government clients. Our presence ensures the security of people, properties, and assets. Our Officers share an unwavering commitment to safeguard every post under our watch.