Solaren News
The Safe Bar Press Conference Sets the Course for Nashville!
Tuesday, February 13th, Solaren Risk Management’s CEO Jack Byrd participated in a press conference held to promote the use of Safe Bar training in bars on Broadway.
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Feb. 18, 2024 | by: Solaren Risk Management
The Safe Bar Press Conference Sets the Course for Nashville!
Tuesday, February 13th, Solaren Risk Management’s CEO Jack Byrd participated in a press conference held to promote the use of Safe Bar training in bars on Broadway. Lorraine McGuire, Vice President of Community Relations for the Sexual Assault Center introduced the conference by discussing how the training program is going so far and next steps they have planned for Nashville’s community.
There are currently 16 bars in Nashville that are Safe Bar certified and there are a handful on Broadway planning to become certified this year. Solaren Risk Management provides security services for bars on Broadway and so we have partnered with the SAC to offer this training for all our and our clients’ staff. Watch the video to hear the whole conference along with our CEO’s responses to a few questions about what Solaren is doing specifically to curb sexual assaults in Nashville.
How your bar can become a Safe Bar
Thank you for keeping up to date with what Solaren is achieving in the Nashville community, and stay tuned for more of our weekly press releases. Next week we will be exploring the training our flaggers go through to become ATSSA certified.
“We are safety aware because we care”
Solaren Risk Management is employed by top brands in the industry. These are just a few examples of some of our clients.
Solaren Risk Management was founded in early 2017 by two friends, Jack K. Byrd III and Curtis E. Dodson. We have proudly delivered unarmed and armed security services, off-duty police services, and investigation services for commercial and government clients. Our presence ensures the security of people, properties, and assets. Our Officers share an unwavering commitment to safeguard every post under our watch.