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Solaren’s Fleet Vehicles & Personnel Handle Traffic Control For Construction Sites, Events & More
Jack Byrd III, CEO | Jan. 24 2020
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Solaren PR Team | Jan, 1 2020 | For Immediate Release
Here at Solaren, we are known for employing various types of personnel- off-duty law enforcement, traffic control flaggers, unarmed security officers, and more.
However, we also offer traffic control equipment for rent for construction sites, events, and any other need you may have. All of the equipment that our traffic control staff utilizes on job sites, in addition to some less frequently used devices, is owned by Solaren Risk Management. Owning our own equipment means we are able to offer it for rental to our customers at a much lower cost. All of our temporary traffic control devices are in compliance with MUTCD standards. We are also partnered with ATSSA, and also offer in house ATSSA training.
All traffic control staff will utilize one of Solaren’s fleet vehicles. Our fleet is clearly marked as traffic control, and many vehicles are outfitted with mounted directional arrow boards to aid in directing the flow of traffic. In addition to the arrow boards they are also equipped with four corner lights, as well as overhead lighting to assist in raising awareness of the work zone.
Cones & Drums:
These devices are used to designate the work zone, assist in traffic redirection, and to block traffic from entering a space. Our cones and drums are fitted with reflective stripes to increase night time visibility as required by the MUTCD.
MUTCD Signage:
These signs are used for advanced warnings for work zones, or new traffic patterns. We have 36” x 36” and 48” x 48” signs. This allows us to work in high speed, as well as low speed zones.
Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS)
Our message boards are great for notifying the general public of new traffic patterns & events. They are solar powered boards which enable steady and visible notifications for long term use.
Speed Trailer:
Speed radar trailers are commonly used for increasing awareness of the speed limit as well as reducing speeds around work zones or special events. Our speed trailers also have the capability to collect traffic control analytics, which can assist in identifying when additional enforcement may be needed.
Call us today for all of your traffic control needs!
“Safety aware, because we care.”
Solaren Risk Management is employed by top brands in the industry. These are just a few examples of some of our clients.
Solaren Risk Management was founded in early 2017 by two friends, Jack K. Byrd III and Curtis E. Dodson. We have proudly delivered unarmed and armed security services, off-duty police services, and investigation services for commercial and government clients. Our presence ensures the security of people, properties, and assets. Our Officers share an unwavering commitment to safeguard every post under our watch.