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We Are Growing!! Announcing Dana Weybrew as Traffic Control Field Operations Coordinator

Jack Byrd III, CEO Solaren


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Solaren PR Team | July 1, 2020 | For Immediate Release

Announcing Dana Weybrew as Traffic Control Field Operations Coordinator

Dana Weybrew is a native of Waterford, CT, where he graduated from Central Connecticut State University. In his home state, Dana amassed professional experience in multiple industries, spending a few years in the Group Travel business, working in administration for a professional sports franchise, and coaching high school baseball for 8 years. In 2010, he moved to Nashville, and settled in the Donelson area where he still lives with his fiancee, Kelly. They enjoy spending time with their family, and are looking forward to the arrival of their 9th grandchild.

Dana joined the Solaren team as our Traffic Control Field Operations Coordinator in spring of 2020. Having started in the traffic control industry as a flagger when he moved to Nashvillle in 2010, Dana quickly worked his way up to Assistant Facility Manager and Traffic Control Trainer. When he made the decision to come to Solaren, we knew his many years of experience would make him the perfect addition to one of our most rapidly growing divisions.

In this role, Dana works primarily in the field where he can lead and mentor our traffic control team, ensuring their work zones are in compliance with our safety standards and the MUTCD. He also communicates closely with our clients to ensure their traffic control needs are being met.

Dana’s experience and leadership in this field has been invaluable in the short time he has been on our team, and we look forward to seeing how he continues to guide our staff, and grow this division!


“Safety aware, because we care.”

Solaren Risk Management | CEO, Jack Byrd III

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Solaren Risk Management was founded in early 2017 by two friends, Jack K. Byrd III and Curtis E. Dodson. We have proudly delivered unarmed and armed security services, off-duty police services, and investigation services for commercial and government clients. Our presence ensures the security of people, properties, and assets. Our Officers share an unwavering commitment to safeguard every post under our watch.

Solaren is a leading provider of Security & Police Personnel in the state of Tennessee & the Southeastern United States.

Contact Us

(615) 218-2842

1000 Pleasant Grove Pl.
Ste 300
Mt. Juliet, TN 37122