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Solaren Adopts Mission Statement & Values

Solaren Values: Professionalism, Accountability, Integrity, Diversity, & Commitment. Mission Statement: “We are safety aware because we care.”

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Solaren PR Team | April 16, 2021 | For Immediate Release

Solaren Risk Management Adopts Mission Statement & Values

After extensive work on defining what our company stands for we have come to officially adopt our company mission statement and our values. The process was handed over to our employees to define what values meant to most to them as an individual and how we want to be represented amongst ourselves and to the world.

The Solaren team spent hours at a time for several days in a room together discussing in depth each value. Solaren used an anonymous voting system to modify and critique each value until everyone was in 100% agreement that what we had represented was the picture of Solaren Risk Management that we wanted to showcase. It was also a great opportunity to set standards and company expectations by which each member of our team will be governed and by which they will be expected to govern themselves.Solaren Risk Management was founded in 2017, however It takes time for a company to truly develop its colors and note the tone and direction of the organization. The people who work within our organization play a key role in how they carry out those values, with that in mind every Solaren employee who participated in this process knowingly holds themselves and all others accountable for the values chosen.

“We brought in outside leadership to help us through the process that is very difficult. Looking internally at what defines a company, we went through a long list of potential options and were not allowed to leave a room until we reached a consensus.” -Todd Edwards – Project Manager

Solaren aims to treat every employee and every client with speech and actions that embody the values above. There is deep meaning behind every value, and an extensive reason as to why it was chosen.

Solaren Company Mission Statement
“We are safety aware because we care”

Solaren Creates Public Service Announcement for PRIDE

Solaren Risk Management was proud to lead the charge and coordinate the production of a Public Service Announcement for Pride Month.

Entrepreneur Jack Byrd III Named New Chief Executive Officer of Solaren Risk Management

For Immediate Release: Nashville, June 2019 Solaren PR Team

Solaren Risk Management Announcing Bethany Gill as Business Development Manager

Announcing our Business Development Manager position, which has been filled by our previous Administrative Support Analyst, Bethany Gill.

Solaren Supports the Special Olympics with the 2024 Hot Chocolate Run!

Saturday, February 24, Solaren Risk Management provided security services for the annual Hot Chocolate Run in Nashville, TN.

2022 New Year’s Eve and Music City Bowl

Solaren Touches Down in the New Year, ready to take on 2023! Providing event staff and security for the 25th Music City Bowl.

Solaren was Ready to Rock N Roll with St. Jude This Marathon!

Solaren provided comprehensive security and traffic control services for the St. Jude Rock N Roll Marathon throughout downtown Nashville.

Solaren’s Fleet Vehicles & Personnel Handle Traffic Control For Construction Sites, Events & More

Here at Solaren, we are known for employing various types of personnel- off-duty law enforcement, traffic control flaggers, unarmed security officers, and more.

Solaren Guarantees Qualified Flaggers Through ATSSA Training

Solaren held one of our regular training classes through the ATSSA. This course takes around four hours to complete as the instructor…

The Safe Bar Press Conference Sets the Course for Nashville!

Tues, Feb. 13th, Solaren’s CEO Jack Byrd participated in a press conference held to promote the use of Safe Bar training in bars on Broadway.

Solaren Event Security for the 2022 Pilgrimage Music Festival was a Huge Success

Once again, for 2022, the Solaren team provided security staffing for the annual Pilgrimage Music Festival held in Franklin, TN.

Solaren Risk Management is employed by top brands in the industry. These are just a few examples of some of our clients.

Solaren Risk Management was founded in early 2017 by two friends, Jack K. Byrd III and Curtis E. Dodson. We have proudly delivered unarmed and armed security services, off-duty police services, and investigation services for commercial and government clients. Our presence ensures the security of people, properties, and assets. Our Officers share an unwavering commitment to safeguard every post under our watch.

Solaren is a leading provider of Security & Police Personnel in the state of Tennessee & the Southeastern United States.

Contact Us

(615) 218-2842

1000 Pleasant Grove Pl.
Ste 300
Mt. Juliet, TN 37122